Meet the Team

Meet the Team


Creative Director: Elizabeth 


Loves loves loves what she does. Insatiably curious or suffering from undiagnosed ADD (we can’t decide), she is always reading anywhere from 10-15 books at any given time. By developing designs and textiles that are created and produced here in the USA, she is proud to be using her creative talent to bring manufacturing back to America. 


Blogger/Social Media Manager: Elizabeth

Third grade spelling bee champion and general “grammar girl.” She’s the person who corrects her friends' texts for grammatical errors. She’s very popular. 



Office Manager: Elizabeth 

As a of mom of three, Elizabeth is used to multi-tasking and being responsible for a million different things. She has no patience for nonsense. Are you bleeding? No? Then leave.


HR Manager: Elizabeth

A middle child, Elizabeth is a justice seeking missile and has always had a dream to make the world a better place in her own small way. We think this fits nicely with being in charge of HR. It also works out right now since staff is limited. 


Procurement/Sourcing: Elizabeth

Unapologetically loves the USA and doesn’t give a damn what others think of this venture... she’s doing it anyway. You’ll see. She’ll make it work thankyouverymuch.



Accounting Manager: Elizabeth

As crazy as it sounds, along with being a big picture person Elizabeth is simultaneously a perfectionist. (She was just as surprised to learn this about herself as you are to read it. Trust us.)  Her dream is to captain her own boat and live on it several months out of the year. That takes money. It’s this dream that inspires her attention to detail (kind of) in keeping the books.


Wellness Coordinator and Chaperone for Everything: Auggie

A rescue/pandemic puppy with a titch of separation anxiety, Auggie’s primary responsibility is to keep the team from developing blood clots from sitting at their desk all day. He does this by insisting on 4 walks a day as well as intermittent breaks. He runs a tight ship by never letting the team out of his sight.  Please contact Auggie at if you have any suggestions on how to keep the team active.